Style Savvy DFW

Affordable Fashion for Every Day

Archive for the day “February 19, 2014”

Ah, Spring


Well hello, Spring! Wow, when Texas decides to warm up it doesn’t mess around. Awesome Husband and I were in Philadelphia this past weekend and the high was 25 on Sunday. I flew home that night and it was 65 degrees when I walked outside. Today the high was 72. Such a wonderful change! We’ll probably have another cold snap between now and mid-March, but for the most part Spring has sprung. Finally!

The striped tunic in today’s outfit was purchased recently at H&M and I love it. So comfortable I actually bought two! I have to admit I almost didn’t buy it (them) because I was concerned it would make me look pregnant (an impossibility, but you know what I mean), or heaven forbid, heavier than I am. Just being honest here.

I think we all worry about how our clothes make us look: hippy, muffin-topped, short, dumpy, you pick. No body is perfect – no matter what you weigh, there will always be things we don’t like or would change. I guess for me, turning 55 meant accepting who I am, how I am at this stage of my life. 2 years ago I lost 30 pounds by changing my diet and exercising. I’ve gained some of it back and it’s definitely harder to lose it now. But I’m back to exercising and eating right so I’m working my way back. Still, I have a muffin top and a few other wobbly bits and I try to camouflage them as best I can with smart clothing choices. A higher rise pant or jean will tame that muffin top, and a slim pant paired with a flowing top can balance out just about any figure. It takes a little trial and error, but it can be done.

What I wore:
Striped cotton tunic sweater: H&M
Skinny cropped pants: GAP Outlet
Merona taupe pumps: Target
Necklaces: Charming Charlie, LYD
Silver earrings: Charming Charlie

Frugally yours,


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