Style Savvy DFW

Affordable Fashion for Every Day

Neutral Addition

Today I’m debuting a new wardrobe favorite: Olive pants!!! I’ve been looking for a pair for several months and was just about to give up. But in the words of Tim Allen from Galaxy Quest – “Never give up! Never surrender!” I ran across these Democracy pants at Ross the other day and just about jumped for joy. They are everything I was looking for – including the fun zipper detail on the front pockets.

Once I got home I began to panic a little – what on earth was I thinking? What would I wear with olive green pants? I headed straight to Pinterest, did a search and found a ton of great ideas. I even created a board just for “Olive Pants” because there were so many great ideas. I’ll be adding these to the regular rotation for sure. I was thrilled to find that olive really is considered a neutral color – you can mix with just about any color, pattern or style.

I figured I would start my olive odyssey with a little fun. The white lace tank and pearls give the outfit a feminine touch with the denim jacket bringing back down to casual. The orange bubble necklace brings in a pop of color that brightens the whole outfit. One style note: I rolled the pants up twice in the photo, then when I got to work my fashionista daughter suggested I roll them up one more time. It really changed the look, so I’ll do that from now on. It’s great having an honest second opinion every day!

Today’s outfit:
Democracy olive pants: Ross
White lace tank top: LOFT Outlet
GAP denim jacket: Ebay
Franco Sarto Nude Sandals: Ross
Pearls: Claire’s
Orange bubble necklace: J Crew Outlet

Frugally yours,



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3 thoughts on “Neutral Addition

  1. just fund you and love the blog, just one point…why are your pictures so small?
    I’d love to see the outfits without having to click on each one to enlarge.


    • Hi Rita! Thanks so much for reading! I see the post you commented on is one of my earliest blogs, and I hadn’t yet started posting larger photos. As you click through to the most recent posts you’ll see larger photos and some closeups of accessories, shoes, etc. It’s all been a learning experience for me and I SO appreciate the feedback!

      If I ever get a free minute (or hour…) I’ll go back and enlarge the photos in my early posts! Blessings! Lori


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